from __future__ import print_function from optparse import OptionParser import sys import os import glob import copy import numpy as np import pandas as pd import random #np.random.seed(0) #random.seed(0) DEFREF="/...PATH_TO.../R64_nucl.fasta" GCTA="/...PATH_TO.../GCTA/gcta64" PLINK="/...PATH_TO.../Plink/plink-1.07-x86_64/plink" ############################################### # # CLASS DEFINITION # ############################################### class Site(): """ Class that stores a polymorphic site attributes: -chromosome -position -reference allele -alternative allele """ def __init__(self, chromosome, position, ref_all, alt_all): self.chromosome=chromosome self.position=position self.ref_all=ref_all self.alt_all=alt_all self.mut_strains=[] def __repr__(self): return "chromosome:{0}, position:{1}, reference:{2}, alternative:{3}, mut_strains:{4}".format(self.chromosome, self.position, self.ref_all, self.alt_all, self.mut_strains) def get_allele(self, strain): """ returns the allelic version of the strain for the concerned site """ allele = self.alt_all if strain in self.mut_strains else self.ref_all return "{0} {1}".format(allele, allele) ############################################### # # Genotype Simulation # ############################################### def simulate_genotype(args): """ Simulates genotype. Takes as arguments the number of individuals to simulate, the fasta reference, and the plink fileset name. """ usage = "Usage: %prog simulate_genotype [-n nb_indiv -o plink_output]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-n", "--nb_indiv", dest="nb_indiv", type="int", help="number of individuals", default=1000) parser.add_option("-r", "--ref", dest="ref", type="string", help="Fasta reference sequence", default=DEFREF) parser.add_option("-o", "--plink_out", dest="plink_out", type="string", help="Output plink files prefix",) parser.add_option("-m", "--mu", dest="mu", type="int", help="Average number of SNP by strain", default=43000) parser.add_option("-s", "--sigma", dest="sigma", type="int", help="SD of number of SNP by strain", default=10000) parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", dest="freq", type="float", help="Probability of site to be mutated for each ind", default=0.014) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.plink_out: exit("Please specify an output prefix. (-o option)") nb_indiv = opts.nb_indiv ref=opts.ref plink_out = opts.plink_out sigma=opts.sigma freq=opts.freq outped = open(plink_out+'.ped', 'w') outmap = open(plink_out+'.map', 'w') outsites = open(plink_out+"_sites.log",'w') outinfo = open(plink_out+"",'w') dict_ref=read_ref(ref) poly_sites = determine_polymorphic_sites(dict_ref, freq) # normal distribution of nb SNP by ind norm_distr = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, nb_indiv) nb_snps = [abs(int(x)) for x in norm_distr] # beta decay of probabilities of sites being mutated ### PARAMETERS #### maf_distr = np.random.beta(0.1, 10, len(poly_sites)) summ=sum(maf_distr) maf_distr_norm = [x/summ for x in maf_distr*1.] print("strain\tnb_snp", file=outsites) # for each indiv for idx, nb_snp in enumerate(nb_snps) : # select the right number of SNPs to mutate sites_avail=np.random.choice(poly_sites, nb_snp, p=maf_distr_norm, replace=False) print(idx, nb_snp, file=outsites, sep='\t') for site in sites_avail: site.mut_strains.append(idx) indices_to_del=[] for idx, site in enumerate(poly_sites): if (not site.mut_strains) or len(site.mut_strains)==nb_indiv: indices_to_del.append(idx) else: # make map print(site.chromosome, "rs{0}".format(idx+1), "0", site.position, file=outmap, sep='\t') final_sites = [i for j, i in enumerate(poly_sites) if j not in indices_to_del] for id, site in enumerate(final_sites): print(id, site.chromosome, site.position, site.ref_all, site.alt_all, len(site.mut_strains), sep='\t', file=outinfo) # for each indiv for idx, _ in enumerate(nb_snps) : # get allele for each site alleles = [site.get_allele(idx) for site in final_sites] # make ped print("indiv{0} indiv{1} 0 0 0 -9 ".format(idx, idx)+" ".join(alleles),file=outped) outped.close() outmap.close() outsites.close() def read_ref(ref): """ reads fasta file for reference (SACE) returns dictionary with sequence by chromosome """ ref_seq = {} chr='' seq='' for line in open(ref, 'r'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('>'): if seq != '': ref_seq[chr] = list(seq) seq='' chr = int(line.replace('>chromosome', '')) else: seq+=line ref_seq[chr] = list(seq) return ref_seq def determine_polymorphic_sites(ref_seq, freq=0.014): sites = [] for idchr, chr in enumerate(sorted(ref_seq)): chr= idchr +1 for idnucl, nucl in enumerate(ref_seq[chr]): pos=idnucl+1 mut_val = np.random.random_sample() if mut_val < freq: bases=['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'] bases.remove(nucl) new_nucl = np.random.choice(bases) site=Site(chr, pos, nucl, new_nucl) sites.append(site) return sites ############################################### # # Phenotype Simulation # ############################################### def simulate_several_matrices(args): usage="""Usage: simulate_several_matrices -l matrix list -n nb causal SNP (1) -m MAF (0.0) -u upper maf threshold -H heritability (0.1) -r replicates (1) -o output prefix """ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-l", "--matrix_list", dest="matrix_list", type="string", help="path to list of Plink input files prefix",) parser.add_option("-n", "--nb_snp", dest="nb_snps", type="int", help="Number of causal SNPs to simulate", default=1,) parser.add_option("-m", "--maf", dest="maf", type="float", help="Minor allele frequency lower bound threshold", default=0.0,) parser.add_option("-u", "--umaf", dest="umaf", type="float", help="Minor allele frequency upper bound threshold, default 1", default=0.5) parser.add_option("-H", "--heritability", dest="heritability", type="float", help="Heritability (or heritability of liability)", default=0.1,) parser.add_option("-r", "--replicates", dest="replicates", type="int", help="Number of simulations replicates", default=1,) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", dest="outdir", type="string", help="Output directory",) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) matrix_list=opts.matrix_list low_maf = opts.maf up_maf = opts.umaf heritability = opts.heritability replicates = opts.replicates nb_snps = opts.nb_snps outdir = opts.outdir for line in open(matrix_list, 'r'): if line.startswith("#"): continue line = line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') mat = cols[0] outfreq="{0}/{1}_gcta_pruned".format(outdir, os.path.basename(mat)) cmd1 = "{0} --bfile {1} --maf {2} --max-maf {3} --out {4} --freq --thread-num 10".format(GCTA, mat, low_maf, up_maf,outfreq) print(cmd1) os.system(cmd1) freq_file = outfreq+'.freq' coords={} for bim_line in open(mat+".bim", 'r'): bim_line = bim_line.strip() bim_cols= bim_line.split('\t') chr = bim_cols[0] pos = bim_cols[3] rs = bim_cols[1] coords[rs]=(chr, pos) out=freq_file+'.tsv' with open(out, 'w') as fout: for freq_line in open(freq_file, 'r'): freq_line = freq_line.strip() freq_cols = freq_line.split('\t') if freq_cols[0] in coords: print(freq_cols[0], freq_cols[1], freq_cols[2], coords[freq_cols[0]][0], coords[freq_cols[0]][1], file = fout, sep='\t') else: exit("{0} doesn't exist in bim".format(freq_cols[0])) print("done") markers={} nb_mat=len(glob.glob("{0}/*.tsv".format(outdir))) for info_f in glob.glob("{0}/*.tsv".format(outdir)): for line in open(info_f, 'r'): line = line.strip() cols = line.split('\t') chr = cols[3] pos=cols[4] if (chr, pos) not in markers: markers[(chr, pos)] = 0 markers[(chr, pos)] += 1 #to_keep={k: v for k, v in markers.iteritems() if v == nb_mat} for k, v in markers.iteritems(): if v == nb_mat: to_keep[k] =v print(nb_mat) print(len(to_keep)) print(len(markers)) def simulate_qt(args): usage = """Usage: simulate_qt -i input plink prefix -n nb causal SNP (1) -m MAF (0.0) -u upper maf threshold -H heritability (0.1) -r replicates (1) -o output prefix """ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input", type="string", help="Plink input files prefix",) parser.add_option("-n", "--nb_snp", dest="nb_snps", type="int", help="Number of causal SNPs to simulate", default=1,) parser.add_option("-m", "--maf", dest="maf", type="float", help="Minor allele frequency threshold", default=0.0,) parser.add_option("-u", "--umaf", dest="umaf", type="float", help="Minor allele frequency upper threshold, default 1", default=1) parser.add_option("-H", "--heritability", dest="heritability", type="float", help="Heritability (or heritability of liability)", default=0.1,) parser.add_option("-r", "--replicates", dest="replicates", type="int", help="Number of simulations replicates", default=1,) parser.add_option("-f", "--effectsize", dest="effect", type="float", help="effect size to simulate") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", type="string", help="Output files prefix",) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.input: print(usage) exit("Please specify input files prefix (-i option)") input = opts.input if not opts.output: print(usage) exit("Please specify output files prefix (-o option)") elif not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(opts.output)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(opts.output)) output = opts.output maf_thresh = opts.maf heritability = opts.heritability replicates = opts.replicates nb_snps = opts.nb_snps umaf = opts.umaf log = open(output+'.simu.log', 'w') # make freq file with selected snps (cutoffs) outfreq="{0}_gcta_pruned".format(output) cmd1 = "{0} --bfile {1} --maf {2} --max-maf {3} --out {4} --freq --thread-num 10".format(GCTA, input, maf_thresh, umaf,outfreq) print(cmd1) print("Nb causal SNPs : {0}".format(nb_snps), file=log) os.system(cmd1) freq_file = outfreq+'.freq' # create list of nb_snps snps as causal loci (kept after pruning) if opts.effect: snp_file = get_causal_snplist(freq_file, nb_snps, output, opts.effect) else: snp_file = get_causal_snplist(freq_file, nb_snps, output, "NA") print("input prefix : {0}".format(input), file=log) print("maf threshold : {0}".format(maf_thresh), file=log) print("maf upper threshold : {0}".format(umaf), file=log) print("heritability : {0}".format(heritability), file=log) print("replicates : {0}".format(replicates), file=log) print("output prefix : {0}".format(output), file=log) log.close() # simuation of quantitative trait cmd2 = "{0} --bfile {1} --maf {2} --simu-qt --simu-causal-loci {3} --simu-hsq {4} --simu-rep {5} --out {6}".format(GCTA, input, maf_thresh, snp_file, heritability, replicates, output) os.system(cmd2) simulated_pheno = output+'.phen' # convert the simulated phenotypes to a Gemma readable fam file phen2_file_simu = simulated_pheno+'.2.tsv' fam_file_simu = output+'.fam' simulated_pheno_to_fam(simulated_pheno, fam_file_simu) simulated_pheno_to_phen2(simulated_pheno, phen2_file_simu) #os.symlink(input+'.bed', output+'.bed') #os.symlink(input+'.bim', output+'.bim') print("Everything is ready for GWAS now") def simulate_qt_from_file(args): usage = """Usage: simulate_qt -i input plink prefix -n nb causal SNP (1) -m MAF (0.0) -u upper maf threshold -H heritability (0.1) -r replicates (1) -o output prefix """ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input", type="string", help="Plink input files prefix",) parser.add_option("-n", "--nb_snp", dest="nb_snps", type="int", help="Number of causal SNPs to simulate", default=1,) parser.add_option("-m", "--maf", dest="maf", type="float", help="Minor allele frequency threshold", default=0.0,) parser.add_option("-u", "--umaf", dest="umaf", type="float", help="Minor allele frequency upper threshold, default 1", default=1) parser.add_option("-H", "--heritability", dest="heritability", type="float", help="Heritability (or heritability of liability)", default=0.1,) parser.add_option("-r", "--replicates", dest="replicates", type="int", help="Number of simulations replicates", default=1,) parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", type="string", help="Output files prefix",) parser.add_option("-d", "--runid", dest="runid", type="int", help="runid",) parser.add_option("-k", "--causal", dest="causal", type="string", help="causal snp file",) parser.add_option("-b", "--bim", dest="oldbim", type="string", help="old bim file",) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.input: print(usage) exit("Please specify input files prefix (-i option)") input = opts.input if not opts.output: print(usage) exit("Please specify output files prefix (-o option)") elif not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(opts.output)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(opts.output)) output = opts.output maf_thresh = opts.maf heritability = opts.heritability replicates = opts.replicates nb_snps = opts.nb_snps umaf = opts.umaf log = open(output+'.simu.log', 'w') # make freq file with selected snps (cutoffs) outfreq="{0}_gcta_pruned".format(output) cmd1 = "{0} --bfile {1} --maf {2} --max-maf {3} --out {4} --freq --thread-num 10".format(GCTA, input, maf_thresh, umaf,outfreq) print(cmd1) print("Nb causal SNPs : {0}".format(nb_snps), file=log) os.system(cmd1) freq_file = outfreq+'.freq' # create list of nb_snps snps as causal loci (kept after pruning) print("input prefix : {0}".format(input), file=log) print("maf threshold : {0}".format(maf_thresh), file=log) print("maf upper threshold : {0}".format(umaf), file=log) print("heritability : {0}".format(heritability), file=log) print("replicates : {0}".format(replicates), file=log) print("output prefix : {0}".format(output), file=log) log.close() oldbim={} newbim={} oldbim_newbim={} for line in open(input+'.bim', 'r'): line = line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') newbim[cols[0], cols[3]]=[cols[1]] for line in open(opts.oldbim, 'r'): line = line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') oldbim[cols[0], cols[3]]=[cols[1]] oldbim_newbim[cols[1]]=[newbim[cols[0], cols[3]]] dict_causal={} snpname=output+'.snplist' snp_file=open(snpname, 'w') file_causal=opts.causal header=True for line in open(file_causal, 'r'): if header: header=False continue line=line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') run=cols[0] if int(run) == int(opts.runid): snp=oldbim_newbim[cols[1]][0][0] effect =cols[3] if int(run)==1: print("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&",snp, effect) print(snp, effect, sep='\t', file=snp_file) snp_file.close() # simuation of quantitative trait cmd2 = "{0} --bfile {1} --maf {2} --simu-qt --simu-causal-loci {3} --simu-hsq {4} --simu-rep {5} --out {6}".format(GCTA, input, maf_thresh, snpname, heritability, replicates, output) print(cmd2) os.system(cmd2) print("ok") simulated_pheno = output+'.phen' # convert the simulated phenotypes to a Gemma readable fam file fam_file_simu = output+'.fam' simulated_pheno_to_fam(simulated_pheno, fam_file_simu) phen2_file_simu = simulated_pheno+'.2.tsv' print(phen2_file_simu) simulated_pheno_to_phen2(simulated_pheno, phen2_file_simu) os.symlink(input+'.bed', output+'.bed') os.symlink(input+'.bim', output+'.bim') print("Everything is ready for GWAS now") def get_causal_snplist(freq_file, nb_snps, out, effect): """ freq_file contains the frequencies of all snps kept for the analysis (e.g. after maf pruning) """ out_name = out+'.snplist' output = open(out_name, 'w') random_lines =random.sample(set(open(freq_file)), nb_snps) for line in random_lines: line = line.strip() snp =line.split() #print(snp[0], snp[2], file=output) if effect == "NA": print(snp[0], file=output) else: print(snp[0], effect, file=output) output.close() return out_name def simulated_pheno_to_fam(pheno_file, out_fam): out = open(out_fam, 'w') with open(pheno_file, 'r') as input: for line in input: line = line.strip() cols = line.split() new_line = "{0} {1} 0 0 0 ".format(cols[0], cols[1]) new_line = new_line+" ".join(cols[2:]) print(new_line, file=out) def simulated_pheno_to_phen2(pheno_file, out_phen2): out = open(out_phen2, 'w') print("strain\tsimulated_phenotype", file=out) with open(pheno_file, 'r') as input: for line in input: line = line.strip() cols = line.split() print(cols[0], cols[2], sep='\t', file=out) ############################################### # # Permutations # ############################################### def run_permutations(args): usage = "Usage: %prog run_permutations [-p pheno -n nb_permut]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-p", "--pheno", dest="pheno_file", type="string", help="Input pheno file",) parser.add_option("-n", "--nb_permut", dest="nb_permut", type="int", help="number of permutations", default=100) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", dest="outdir", type="string", help="output directory",) parser.add_option("-e", "--extension", dest="extension", type="string", default='.fam.phen') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) # check arguments if not opts.pheno_file: exit("Please specify a pheno file.") elif not opts.outdir or not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(opts.outdir)): exit("Please specify a valid output directory path (-o option)") pheno_file = opts.pheno_file outdir = opts.outdir extension=opts.extension if not outdir.endswith('/'): outdir+='/' nb_permut =opts.nb_permut for i in range(1, nb_permut+1): outname = outdir+os.path.basename(pheno_file).replace(extension, '_perm_{0}.phen'.format(i)) df = pd.read_csv(pheno_file, sep=" ", header=None) df[2] = np.random.permutation(df[2]) df.to_csv(outname, sep=" ", header=False, index=False) def permut_analysis(args): usage = "Usage: %prog permut_analysis [-d dirin -e extension]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="dir", type="string", help="Idirectory containing permutation association files",) parser.add_option("-e", "--extension", dest="extension", type="string", default='.gwas.txt') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.dir or not os.path.isdir(opts.dir): exit("Please specify a valid directory (-d option)") dir = opts.dir if not dir.endswith('/'): dir+='/' out = open(dir+'threshold.txt', 'w') pvals=[] for gwas in glob.glob(dir+'*.gwas.txt'): header=True with open(gwas, 'r') as g: for line in g: if header: header=False continue line = line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') pval = float(cols[5]) pvals.append(pval) break thresh=np.percentile(pvals,5) print(thresh) print("x", file=out) print(thresh, file=out) def list_significant_snps(args): """ gets threshold after permutations extracts from real results the snps higher than threshold writes the snps in signif_snp1 """ usage = "Usage: %prog list_significant_snps [-d dir ]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="gwas_dir", type="string", help="gwas results directory for condition") parser.add_option("-e", "--ext", dest="extension", type="string", help="extension of gwas result files", default=".gwas.txt") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="out_f", type="string", help="name of output file") parser.add_option("-l", "--list", dest="list", type="string", help="list of causal snps (simulations)") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.gwas_dir or not os.path.isdir(opts.gwas_dir): exit("Please specify a valid directory path (-d option)") extension=opts.extension gwas_dir=opts.gwas_dir if not gwas_dir.endswith('/'): gwas_dir+='/' out_f="" if not opts.out_f: out_f=gwas_dir+'signif_snp1' else: out_f=opts.out_f out_sign = open(out_f, 'w') list="" causal_snps=[] if opts.list: list=opts.list out_causal = open(out_f+'.causal', 'w') if list!="": for line in open(list, 'r'): line=line.strip() snp = line.split(' ')[0] causal_snps.append(snp) thresh_file = gwas_dir+'permutations/threshold.txt' thresh=0.0 header=True for line in open(thresh_file, 'r'): if header: header=False continue line = line.strip() thresh = float(line) output=open(out_f, 'w') gwas_res = gwas_dir+os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(gwas_dir))+extension #gwas_res = glob.glob(gwas_dir+'*'+extension)[0] nb_signif = 0 header=True for line in open(gwas_res, 'r'): if header: header=False continue line = line.strip() cols = line.split('\t') snp=cols[0] try: p_val = float(cols[5]) except ValueError: continue if p_val < thresh: nb_signif +=1 if snp in causal_snps: print(snp, file=out_causal) print(snp, file=out_sign) else: break output.close() if nb_signif == 0: os.remove(gwas_dir+'signif_snp1') ############################################### # # Meta analysis # ############################################### def get_causal_infos(snplist, freq_file, assoc_f): causal_snps={} header=True for line in open(snplist,'r'): if header: header=False continue line=line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') snp=cols[0] effectsize=float(cols[3]) maf = float(cols[2]) causal_snps[snp]=[effectsize, maf] nb_causal=len(causal_snps) nb_found=0 header=True for line in open(assoc_f, 'r'): if nb_found == nb_causal: break line=line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') if header: header=False continue if cols[0] in causal_snps: nb_found+=1 causal_snps[cols[0]].append(float(cols[5])) return causal_snps def effect_size_maf_power(args): """ Links Effect size of causal snps (determined by GCTA) with the p-value """ usage = "Usage: %prog effect_size_maf_power [-d dir ]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="gwas_dir", type="string", help="directory containing all runs to analyse") parser.add_option("-f", "--freqext", dest="freqext", type="string", help="freq file extension", default=".frq") parser.add_option("-s", "--snpext", dest="snpext", type="string", help="extension of snplist files", default='_sim.par') parser.add_option("-g", "--gwasext", dest="gwasext", type="string", help="extension of gwas files", default='_sim.gwas.txt') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.gwas_dir or not os.path.isdir(opts.gwas_dir): exit("Please specify a valid directory path (-d option)") gwas_dir=opts.gwas_dir snpext=opts.snpext gwasext=opts.gwasext freqext=opts.freqext if not gwas_dir.endswith('/'): gwas_dir+='/' out=open("{0}{1}_effect_pvals.tsv".format(gwas_dir, os.path.basename(gwas_dir[:-1])), 'w') print("SNPID\tEFFECT_SIZE\tMAF\tPVALUE\tRUN", file=out) for rundir in sorted(glob.glob(gwas_dir+'*')): if not os.path.isdir(rundir): continue runid=os.path.basename(rundir) print(runid) snplist="{0}/{1}{2}".format(rundir, runid, snpext) assoc_f="{0}/{1}{2}".format(rundir, runid, gwasext) freqfile="{0}/run_1/{1}{2}".format(os.path.dirname(rundir), os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(rundir)), freqext) causal_infos=get_causal_infos(snplist, freqfile, assoc_f) #print(causal_infos) for snp in causal_infos: print(snp, causal_infos[snp][0], causal_infos[snp][1], causal_infos[snp][2], runid, file=out, sep='\t') out.close() def count_nb_causal_best(args): usage = "Usage: %prog count_nb_causal_best [-d dir ]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="gwas_dir", type="string", help="directory containing all runs to analyse") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.gwas_dir or not os.path.isdir(opts.gwas_dir): exit("ERROR: Please specify a valid directory path (-d option)") gwas_dir=opts.gwas_dir if not gwas_dir.endswith('/'): gwas_dir+='/' def meta_analysis(args): usage = "Usage: %prog meta_analysis [-d dir ]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="gwas_dir", type="string", help="directory containing all runs to analyse") parser.add_option("-c", "--causal_ext", dest="causal_ext", type="string", help="extension of causal snps file", default="_sim.snplist",) parser.add_option("-t", "--threshold", dest="threshold", type="string", help="path of threshold file (relative to the run dir)", default="permutations/threshold.txt") parser.add_option("-b", "--bim", dest="bim", type="string", help="Plink bim file",) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.gwas_dir or not os.path.isdir(opts.gwas_dir): exit("ERROR: Please specify a valid directory path (-d option)") gwas_dir=opts.gwas_dir if not gwas_dir.endswith('/'): gwas_dir+='/' causal_ext=opts.causal_ext threshold=opts.threshold bim= opts.bim sites={} sites_list=[] for line in open(bim, 'r'): line=line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') chr=cols[0] rs=cols[1] pos=cols[3] sites[rs]=[chr, pos] sites_list.append(rs) for rundir in sorted(glob.glob(gwas_dir+'*')): if not os.path.isdir(rundir): continue thresh=rundir+'/'+threshold thresh_val=open(thresh, 'r').readlines()[1] causal_f=rundir+'/'+os.path.basename(rundir)+causal_ext causal_snps=[] for line in open(causal_f, 'r'): line =line.strip() cols=line.split() snp=cols[0] causal_snps.append(snp) signif_file=rundir+'/signif_snp1' signif_snps=[] if not os.path.isfile(signif_file): signif_snps=[] else: for line in open(signif_file, 'r'): line=line.strip() cols = line.split('\t') snp = cols[0] signif_snps.append(snp) for site in sites_list: if site in causal_snps: if site in signif_snps: sites[site].append('TP') #print("causal + signif = TP") elif site not in signif_snps: sites[site].append('FN') #print("causal + not signif = FN") else: sys.exit("error 1") elif site not in causal_snps: if site in signif_snps: sites[site].append('FP') #print("not causal + signif = FP") elif site not in signif_snps: sites[site].append('TN') #print("not causal + not signif = TN") else: sys.exit("error 2") else: sys.exit("error 3") summary = open(gwas_dir + os.path.basename(gwas_dir[:-1])+ '_simu_summary.tsv', 'w') for site in sites_list: print(site, sites[site][0], sites[site][1]) tp = sites[site][2:].count('TP') fp = sites[site][2:].count('FP') tn = sites[site][2:].count('TN') fn = sites[site][2:].count('FN') try: fp_rate= float(fp)/(fp+tn) except ZeroDivisionError: fp_rate= 'NA' try: fn_rate=float(fn)/(tp+fn) except ZeroDivisionError: fn_rate='NA' try: tp_rate=float(tp)/(tp+fn) except ZeroDivisionError: tp_rate='NA' try: tn_rate=float(tn)/(tn+fp) except ZeroDivisionError: tn_rate='NA' print(tp, fp, tn, fn) print(tp+ fp+ tn+ fn) print(site, '\t'.join(sites[site]), str(fp_rate), str(fn_rate), str(tp_rate), str(tn_rate), file=summary, sep='\t') #print(site, '\t'.join(sites[site]), str(fp_rate), str(tn_rate), file=summary, sep='\t') def post_process(args): usage = "Usage: %prog meta_analysis [-d dir ]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="gwas_dir", type="string", help="directory containing all runs to analyse") parser.add_option("-c", "--causal_ext", dest="causal_ext", type="string", help="extension of causal snps file", default="_sim.snplist",) parser.add_option("-t", "--threshold", dest="threshold", type="string", help="path of threshold file (relative to the run dir)", default="permutations/threshold.txt") #parser.add_option("-b", "--bim", dest="bim", type="string", help="Plink bim file",) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.gwas_dir: exit("Specify directory to analyse (-d option)") gwas_dir=opts.gwas_dir if not gwas_dir.endswith('/'): gwas_dir+='/' allfrq=open(gwas_dir+"all_datasets_freq.tsv", "w") print("dataset\tSNP\tA1\tMAF", file=allfrq) for run in glob.glob(gwas_dir+'*/run_1/*.freq'): ds=os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(run))) for line in open(run, 'r'): line=line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') print(ds, line, file=allfrq, sep='\t') for summ in glob.glob(gwas_dir+'*/*simu_summary.tsv'): print(summ) short = open(summ.replace('.tsv','.short.tsv'), 'w') print("rs\tchr\tpos\tFPR\tFNR\tTPR\tTNR", file=short) for line in open(summ, 'r'): line=line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') print(cols[0], cols[1], cols[2], cols[1003], cols[1004], cols[1005], cols[1006], file=short, sep='\t') print("write FN") write_FN_list(summ) print("write TP") write_TP_list(summ) print("write FP") write_FP_list(summ) return "ok" def write_FN_list(summ): out = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(summ), "FN_SNPs_by_run.tsv"), 'w') FN_by_run={} for line in open(summ, 'r'): line = line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') rs=cols[0] chr=cols[1] pos=cols[2] for idx, val in enumerate(cols[3:1003]): run=idx+1 if val=='FN': if run not in FN_by_run: FN_by_run[run]=[] FN_by_run[run].append(rs) for runid in FN_by_run: print(runid, '\t'.join(FN_by_run[runid]), sep='\t', file=out) def write_TP_list(summ): out = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(summ), "TP_SNPs_by_run.tsv"), 'w') TP_by_run={} for line in open(summ, 'r'): line = line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') rs=cols[0] chr=cols[1] pos=cols[2] for idx, val in enumerate(cols[3:1003]): run=idx+1 if val=='TP': if run not in TP_by_run: TP_by_run[run]=[] TP_by_run[run].append(rs) for runid in TP_by_run: print(runid, '\t'.join(TP_by_run[runid]), sep='\t', file=out) def write_FP_list(summ): out = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(summ), "FP_SNPs_by_run.tsv"), 'w') FP_by_run={} for line in open(summ, 'r'): line = line.strip() cols=line.split('\t') rs=cols[0] chr=cols[1] pos=cols[2] for idx, val in enumerate(cols[3:1003]): run=idx+1 if val=='FP': if run not in FP_by_run: FP_by_run[run]=[] FP_by_run[run].append(rs) for runid in FP_by_run: print(runid, '\t'.join(FP_by_run[runid]), sep='\t', file=out) ############################################### # # Debug # ############################################### def get_site_from_ped(args): usage = "Usage: %prog get_site_from_ped [-i fileset -s site]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input", type="string", help="input plink fileset (ped/map format)",) parser.add_option("-s", "--site", dest="site", type="string", help="polymorphic site",) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if not opts.input: exit("Please specify an input prefix. (-i option)") if not exit("Please specify site. (-i option)") input = opts.input site_id = int(site.replace('rs', '')) -1 alleles={} for line in open(input+'.ped', 'r'): line=line.strip() cols = line.split() indiv = cols[0] genotypes = list(group_list(cols[6:], 2)) alleles[indiv] = genotypes[site_id] print(alleles) def group_list(lst, n): return zip(*[lst[i::n] for i in range(n)]) ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": import time start_time = time.time() command_list = set(['simulate_genotype','simulate_qt_from_file', 'simulate_several_matrices', 'simulate_qt', 'run_permutations', 'list_significant_snps', 'get_site_from_ped', 'count_nb_causal_best', 'permut_analysis', 'effect_size_maf_power', 'meta_analysis', 'post_process', 'help']) if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(__doc__) exit("No command specified, use one of:\n - %s" % "\n - ".join(command_list)) cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd not in command_list: exit("Unrecognized command '%s', use one of:\n - %s" % (cmd, "\n - ".join(command_list))) if cmd == 'simulate_genotype': simulate_genotype(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'get_selectable_snps': get_selectable_snps(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'simulate_qt': simulate_qt(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'get_site_from_ped': get_site_from_ped(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'run_permutations': run_permutations(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'permut_analysis': permut_analysis(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'simulate_several_matrices': simulate_several_matrices(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'list_significant_snps': list_significant_snps(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'effect_size_maf_power': effect_size_maf_power(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'meta_analysis': meta_analysis(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'post_process': post_process(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'simulate_qt_from_file': simulate_qt_from_file(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'count_nb_causal_best': count_nb_causal_best(sys.argv[1:]) elif cmd == 'help': help() else: print("Unrecognized command specified, use one of:\n - %s" % '\n - '.join(command_list)) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))